Sunday, December 26, 2010

Being Woman

I've been working hard so long
seems like pay has been my only friend
my fragile heart's been done so wrong
I wonder if I'd ever heal again..
Being a girl has been an obstacle for me sometimes, yes; but never, a regret. Living in a society where politeness and chauvinism are just millimeters apart, I have, fortunately, always been surrounded by people who respect my views and help me feel proud of being a woman. Today, when the New Year is just days away, I wonder if I would ever manage to be seen as a person, and not just a woman.
One of my friends told me not to dream too big, because according to her, the bigger the dream, the more it will hurt me when it shatters. She too, I guess, is against my dream of being seen as a human being with feelings and ambitions, and not just a woman.
Someone told me I could not get a sports bike, because, I would never stand its weight and anyway, who has ever seen a girl ride a sports bike in a society like mine? As the part of a people who don't let you dream, how can one expect to accomplish them?
But, I am a believer in miracles, and I believe that prayers do get heard. I have always got what I wanted, and I know I will make my dream come true. Maybe I won’t get to ride a sports bike, but I will make sure my daughter will. Maybe I won’t get to work at the post I deserve, but I will make sure I make my mark there and show the world how unstoppable determination can be. Maybe I won’t find the courage to face the whole world, but I sure will muster up the courage to speak out against chauvinism anywhere near me. Maybe I won’t live my life seen as a person and not just a woman; I will make sure women after me are.
I pray Allah gives strength to women, and their families, to face the societies they live in. lets pray for courage, for not only women, but for their families too. Let’s hope, that one day, just as we got the right to vote, to get admitted to colleges and universities, and to become administrators, we also get the right to be ourselves.
I feel I can change many lives, if I change my own first. It takes one person to step out in order to start a revolution; and this will be a revolution for the rights of half the world's population.

I will break these chains that bind me,

happiness will find me
leave the past behind me,
today my life begins!
A whole new world is waiting
it's mine for the taking
I know I can make it, today my life begins.
Wish you the courage to stand up and face the crowd, and the strength to be yourself... :)
Happy New Year. :)


BizShip International said...

Bravo :)
Wishing you all you can wish my child. Be blessed, be happy, and live long...

Baba Jilani

Anonymous said...

Awesome Huda.. really i appreciate.
i like the way u behave. u dream. lovely and a brave girl.
Saima Sam

Huda Jilani said...

Thank you so much.. :)

Fahad said...

bravo huda......leme read da article first for furthur comments :D

Distant Relative 'Fahad' said...

i hope young lady that dese words actually represent u, rather dan jus an awesome play ov words....u have targeted a very core issue ov da society.....wish u every success in ur mission :)

Huda Jilani said...

thank u so much faddi.. :) keep encouraging n keep praying.. Allah Bless You.. :)